Source code for frags.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Contains generic functions used by FRAG"""
import gzip
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import sys
import ahocorasick
from frags import read

[docs]def write_header(output_file, sep="\t"): """ Write header of CSV output files :param output_file: CSV file to write in :type output_file: str :param sep: Separator to use between CSV columns :type sep: char """ output_file.write("Read_header{0}"\ "Reverse_complement{0}"\ "Number_of_breakpoints{0}"\ "Breakpoints_positions{0}"\ "Matches_read_positions{0}"\ "Matches_ref_positions{0}"\ "Matches_size{0}"\ "Insertions{0}"\ "Blast_results_breakpoints\n".format(sep))
[docs]def get_reference(input_file): """ Get the reference genome in one-string. Only take the first sequence of the file. Can be fasta or fastq, gzipped or not. :param input_file: fasta/fastq file to use as reference :type input_file: str """ # The reference that will be returned ref = "" # Is it a GZIP file? test_file = open(input_file, "rb") # Get the first values magic = # Close the file test_file.close() # Open the file, GZIP or not with (, "rt") if magic == b"\x1f\x8b" else open(input_file)) as in_file: # Get the first char to determine the type of file first_char = # Ignore header next(in_file) # Fasta file, can be multi-line if first_char == ">": # First line tmp_line = in_file.readline().strip() while tmp_line and not tmp_line.startswith(">"): ref += tmp_line tmp_line = in_file.readline().strip() # Fastq file elif first_char == "@": # Get the second line only ref = in_file.readline().strip() else: print("File error: enable to understand type of file {} "\ "({})".format(input_file, first_char)) sys.exit(1) # Return the ref as a single string return ref
[docs]def next_read(file, offset_start, offset_end): """ Return each sequence between offsets range of a file as a tuple (header, seq) using a generator. Can be fasta or fastq, gzipped or not. WARNING: spaces in headers are replaced by _ :param file: fasta/fastq file to read :param offset_start: offset in the file from where to read :param offset_end: offset in the file until where to read :type file: str :type offset_start: int :type offset_end: int """ # Is it a GZIP file? test_file = open(file, "rb") # Get the first values magic = # Close the file test_file.close() # Open the file, GZIP or not with (, "rb") if magic == b"\x1f\x8b" else open(file, "rb")) as in_file: first_line = in_file.readline().decode('utf-8') # FASTQ file if first_line.startswith("@"): # Go to starting offset # Set current offset beg_line_offset = offset_start # Read each line from this point for line in in_file: # Consider this line as a header header = line.decode('utf-8').strip() # It is a proper fastq header if header.startswith("@"): # The beginning of header is in the offset range if beg_line_offset < offset_end: # Get the sequence sequence = in_file.readline().decode('utf-8').strip() # Skip the two next lines in_file.readline() in_file.readline() # Return header and sequence and wait for the next one # WARNING: replace spaces in header by _ yield (header.replace(" ", "_"), sequence.upper()) # Out of offset, stop this loop else: break # Current offset beg_line_offset = in_file.tell() # (multi?)FASTA file elif first_line.startswith(">"): # Go to starting offset # Set current offset beg_line_offset = offset_start # Read each line from this point for line in in_file: # Consider this line as a header header = line.decode('utf-8').strip() # It is a proper fasta header if header.startswith(">"): # The beginning of header is in the offset range if beg_line_offset < offset_end: # Get the sequence sequence = in_file.readline().decode('utf-8').strip() # Get current offset current_offset = in_file.tell() # Get next line next_l = in_file.readline().decode('utf-8').strip() # While this next line is not a fasta header... while next_l and not next_l.startswith(">"): # Add this to the Sequence sequence += next_l # Get current offset current_offset = in_file.tell() # Get next line next_l = in_file.readline().decode('utf-8').strip() # Next line is a fasta header, go back to its beginning # Return header and sequence and wait for the next one # WARNING: replace spaces in header by _ yield (header.replace(" ", "_"), sequence.upper()) # Out of offset, stop this loop else: break # Current offset beg_line_offset = in_file.tell() # Not a valid file else: print("File error: enable to understand type of file {} "\ "({})".format(file, first_line[0])) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def build_graph(ref, k): """ Index each k-mers of a genome Aho-Corasick implementation, requires pypi package pyahocorasick :param ref: the reference to index :param k: k-mer size :type ref: str :type k: int """ # Create the automaton graph = ahocorasick.Automaton() # Add each kmers of ref in the automaton for i, _ in enumerate(ref[0:len(ref)-k+1]): # The current kmer pattern = ref[i:i+k].upper() # Add the kmer added = graph.add_word(pattern, (i, pattern)) # If this kmer was already added if not added: # Print a warning print("Warning: kmer {} at position {} is present more "\ "than one time in reference, only the last one will "\ "be used".format(pattern, i)) # Construct the graph graph.make_automaton() # Return the graph return graph
[docs]def find_hits(graph, a_read): """ Find all kmers of ref present in a read All hits are on the form: start_pos_read: start_pos_ref :param graph: the graph to parse :param a_read: the read to search in the index :type graph: :py:class:`pyahocorasick` :type a_read: str """ # Results hits = {} # Search the hits for item in graph.iter(a_read): # Add in the dict the results hits[item[0]-len(item[1][1])+1] = item[1][0] # Return the hits return hits
[docs]def reverse_complement(seq): """ Take an input sequence and return its revcomp :param seq: the seq to compute :type seq: str """ # Empty return sequence ret = "" # Hash of correspondence rc_val = {"A": "T", "T": "A", "C": "G", "G": "C", "N": "N"} # For each nucleotides for nucl in seq[::-1]: try: # Add its rc to ret ret += rc_val[nucl.upper()] except KeyError: print("Ignoring character '{}' founded in {}".format(nucl, seq)) # Return ret return ret
[docs]def get_recombinations(offset_start, offset_end, file, k, gap, graph1, graph2=None): """ Main parallelized function that retrieve each read of a offset range and find matches and breakpoint of them. :param offset_start: where to start taking sequences in the file :param offset_end: where to stop taking sequences in the file :param file: the filename of the file where to take sequences from :param k: size of kmers :param gap: maximum authorized gap size for continuous hits :param graph1: the graph to parse for genome1 :param graph2: the graph to parse for genome2 :type offset_start: int :type offset_end: int :type file: string :type k: int :type gap: int :type graph1: :type graph: :py:class:`pyahocorasick` :type graph2: :type graph: :py:class:`pyahocorasick` or None """ # Resulting Reads of current offset range all_queries = [] # Query each read, one by one, in the offset range for header, sequence in next_read(file, offset_start, offset_end): # Construct the Read query = read.Read(header, sequence) # Find hits for this query hits = find_hits(graph1, query.sequence) # Transforms hits to matches query.get_matches(hits, gap, k, 0, 1) # Find hits for this query (Rev comp) hits_rc = find_hits(graph1, reverse_complement(query.sequence)) # Transforms hits to matches query.get_matches(hits_rc, gap, k, 1, 1) # Two ref files if graph2: # Find hits for this query hits = find_hits(graph2, query.sequence) # Transforms hits to matches query.get_matches(hits, gap, k, 0, 2) # Find hits for this query (Rev comp) hits_rc = find_hits(graph2,reverse_complement(query.sequence)) # Transforms hits to matches query.get_matches(hits_rc, gap, k, 1, 2) # Create the breakpoints query.get_breakpoints() # Add this query to the result all_queries.append(query) # Add the global result into the queue return all_queries
[docs]def get_all_queries(file, nb_proc, k, gap, graph1, graph2=None): """ Launch all parallel process to get all queries from a file :param file: the filename of the file where to take sequences from :param nb_proc: number of precess to run in parallel :param k: size of kmers :param gap: maximum authorized gap size for continuous hits :param graph1: the graph to parse for genome1 :param graph2: the graph to parse for genome2 :type file: string :type nb_proc: int :type k: int :type gap: int :type graph1: :type graph: :py:class:`pyahocorasick` :type graph2: :type graph: :py:class:`pyahocorasick` or None """ # Get the size of the file total_size = os.path.getsize(file) # Size of what to read chunk_size = total_size // nb_proc # Starting offset offset_start = 0 # Create the pool of process pool = Pool() # Partial function to fix all but firsts arguments prod_recomb=partial(get_recombinations, file=file, k=k, gap=gap, graph1=graph1, graph2=graph2) # All tuples of offset_start, offset_end all_offsets = [] # For each thread/chunk for _ in range(nb_proc - 1): # Compute the ending offset for this chunk offset_end = offset_start + chunk_size # Add this couple of start/end all_offsets.append((offset_start, offset_end)) # Next start is where it stops offset_start = offset_start + chunk_size # Add the last chunk all_offsets.append((offset_start, total_size)) # Launch all process (Results is a list of list) results = pool.starmap(prod_recomb, all_offsets) # Get a flatten list all_queries = [] for i in results: all_queries += i # Return all queries return all_queries
[docs]def prepare_blast_file(breakpoint_file, all_queries, minsizeblast): """ Prepare a fasta file to be Blasted containing all breakpoints of at least minsizeblast nucleotides. WARNING: this wrote a FASTA file, regardless of the format of the original file WARNING: headers of original files are modified to add the information of which breakpoint(s) of a specific read are Blasted: original_header_#bp :param breakpoint_file: the filename of the file to be written :param all_queries: all queries that may contain breakpoints :param minsizeblast: minimal size of breakpoint accepted :type breakpoint_file: string :type all_queries: list(:py:class:`Read`) :type minsizeblast: int """ # This dict will contain headers (minus the first '>') of # breakpoints to blast as they are written, associated to there # index in all_queries. all_breakpoints = {} # Open the file to be Blasted with open(breakpoint_file, "w") as out_brp: # Parse each query and extract potential breakpoints for index, query in enumerate(all_queries): # Only the matched ones if query.get_ref() != 0: # Get all breakpoints and there id for nb_brp, brp in enumerate(query.breakpoints): # Minimal size to Blast (could be negative) if abs(brp.size) >= minsizeblast: # Forge un header pour dico et pour ecrire, # le +1 car les bp sont de 1 à n # Forge the header: originalheader_idBreakpoint # breakpoint count starts at 1 header = "{}_{}".format(query.header[1:], nb_brp+1) # Associate it with its id in all_queries all_breakpoints[header] = index # Compute start/stop pos (size could be negative) beg = min(brp.beg_pos_read, brp.beg_pos_read+brp.size) end = max(brp.beg_pos_read, brp.beg_pos_read+brp.size) # Write it to the file out_brp.write(">{}\n{}\n".\ format(header, query.sequence[beg:end])) # Return the main dict of Breakpoints/index return all_breakpoints
[docs]def process_blast_res(compressed_file, res_blast_file, sep, all_breakpoints): """ Compress Blast result to only show the bests hits and output result in a fasta-like file. Header is the original header with breakpoint id, e-value and bit-score. WARNING: this wrote a FASTA file, regardless of the format of the original file :param compressed_file: the filename of the file to be written :param res_blast_file: Blast result file :param sep: separator to use in the result file :param all_breakpoints: dict of Breakpoints/index created before the Blast :type compressed_file: string :type res_blast_file: string :type sep: list(char) :type all_breakpoints: dict """ # Dict that will contain index in all_queries associated with # the list of breakpoints that have a Blast result all_bp_query = defaultdict(list) # Open output file where to write with open(compressed_file, "w") as compressed: # Open Blast result file with open(res_blast_file) as blast_out: # Get the 4 info for the first line cur_header, cur_matches, cur_evalue, cur_bitscore = blast_out.\ readline().\ split() # key is index in all_queries and Blasted bp is added all_bp_query[all_breakpoints[cur_header]].append(cur_header.\ split("_")[-1]) # Forge the header for this first line fasta_header = ">{0}{1}{2}{1}{3}\n".format(cur_header, sep[1], cur_evalue, cur_bitscore) # Remove some blast info small_match = cur_matches.split("location")[0][:-2] # Set of matches for this header fasta_line = {small_match} # For each other line in the blast result file for line in blast_out: # Info from this line header, matches, evalue, bitscore = line.split() # Same header than before? if header == cur_header: # Same bit-score/e-value? if evalue == cur_evalue and bitscore == cur_bitscore: # Remove some blast info small_match = matches.split("location")[0][:-2] # Add this blast result fasta_line.add(small_match) # New header else: # Write the previous header compressed.write(fasta_header) # Write the corresponding results compressed.write(sep[2].join(fasta_line) + "\n") # Get new header cur_header = header # Get new match cur_matches = matches # Get new e-value cur_evalue = evalue # Get new bit-score cur_bitscore = bitscore # Associate the current breakpoint to its index # in all_queries all_bp_query[all_breakpoints[cur_header]].\ append(cur_header.split("_")[-1]) # Forge the new header fasta_header = ">{0}{1}{2}{1}{3}\n".format(cur_header, sep[1], cur_evalue, cur_bitscore) # Remove some blast info small_match = cur_matches.split("location")[0][:-2] # Set of matches for this header fasta_line = {small_match} # Write the last header compressed.write(fasta_header) # Write the corresponding results compressed.write(sep[2].join(fasta_line) + "\n") # Return blasted breakpoint and associated index in all_queries return all_bp_query